The changes in the energy mix as well as rapid electrification across various sectors poses new challenges for electric utilities, large and small.
With our Intelligent Grid Platform, we offer a suite of tools that address many of these challenges: from streamlining and accelerating interconnections processes to conducting reliable future scenario analyses for long-term planning.
Conduct DER interconnection & integration studies faster
The Connection Request application supports the entire process for interconnection screening, from integration of all relevant data to impact studies and reservation management. This allows utilities to significantly reduce the processing time per screening and efficiently handle the increasing volume of new applications without needing additional staff.
- Seamless integration of all customer and process data from other systems
- Identification of standard variants for POIs
- One-click calculation of best GO-routing for selected POIs
- Automated impact studies and cost assessments
- Management of reservations for projects that have been approved but are not yet operational
Other envelio Applications
Online Connection Check Application
Advanced hosting capacity analysis tool for load and generation.
Grid Study Application
Conduct comprehensive stress tests and electrification scenario analysis for your grid.
Contact us
Let’s get in touch and check how out solutions can help you optimize and improve your grid planning processes.
Contact person
Luigi Montana
CEO, envelio Inc.

envelio Inc.
53 State Street
Suite 500
Boston, MA 02109