Improve scenario planning and interconnections queue with envelio

Interconnection Process

Expedite the entire process for interconnection impact studies – from data integration to model preparation, technical screening, and updates.

envelio solutions by the numbers

  • 0%

    of customers running daily or weekly full grid model refreshes

  • 0K

    stations and substations on our platform

  • 0M

    modeled interconnection points

Reduce the engineering analysis time for interconnections

Save time and resources

Reduce the needed engineering resources from weeks to days. Your engineers can start from where it really matters – preparation of the model, creation of possible variants, and power-flow calculations are already run automatically in the background.

For smaller, residential applications, even full automation can be implemented based on your defined criteria and thresholds.

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Have always up-to-date calculations for your interconnection impact studies

Always up-to-date calculations

Thanks to the Grid Hub, no network model preparation is needed at all. The impact studies are based on the current model, including already reserved interconnections and planned investments from your queue.

Your engineers have constant access to the most current version of your grid model, enabling them to run as many impact studies as needed throughout the interconnection project lifecycle. Planned network updates are automatically considered ensuring consistency across the queue.

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Process more interconnections without additional staffing

Handle increased workload with existing staff

Automate routine tasks and streamline workflows to manage a higher volume of interconnection applications without additional staffing.

Adopt a centralized approach to manage and track all interconnections from start to finish, improving visibility and coordination across your teams.

Learn more about the product

Case study: Digitalizing and automating interconnection process at E.DIS Netz

Case study: Leveraging improved data quality to speed up interconnection processes at Fairnetz

Case study: Automation and acceleration of interconnection impact studies at Syna

Contact us

Let’s get in touch and check how out solutions can help you optimize and improve your grid planning processes.