
Find out how other utilities leverage envelio’s tools to expedite interconnection processes, plan holistically and make intelligent investment decisions

Fairnetz Mona Keller Testimonial for envelio

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Dive deeper into what utilities use envelio’s Intelligent Grid Platform for:

Data Grid Quality Checklist

Infopaper: Shit In = Shit Out?

Grid Data Quality – The Ultimate Checklist

High data quality is a default precondition for digitalizing and automating many processes that are currently seen as a bottleneck for a fast energy transition. Yet many utilities say they wish their data had much higher quality than it is now. At the heart of this issue lies the problem of “Shit in = Shit out”. When data has been input incorrectly, it affects analytics, insights, planning and investment decisions. If improving data quality is a topic on your agenda, too, in this infopaper, you’ll find how to tackle this problem step by step.

Download now the Grid Data Quality Checklist ⬇

Case study: Helen Electricity Network

Running future grid scenarios to determine the probability of bottlenecks

Helsinki aims to become emission-free by 2030, necessitating a major transformation of its energy systems. This presents challenges for the power grid, requiring a thorough understanding of the impacts of these changes. Using the IGP app Grid Study, Helen Electricity Network is modeling three potential future grid scenarios. These scenarios, reflecting current and projected socio-economic developments, will help determine grid needs over the next 5, 10, and 15 years.

Download now the Helen Electricity Network
Case Study ⬇

envelio Case Study Syna

Case study: Syna

Automation and acceleration of interconnection impact studies

With the introduction of the Intelligent Grid Platform (IGP), Syna has drastically reduced the time required for grid interconnection evaluation for larger installations: The grid compatibility testing, which previously took up to 8 hours, can now be completed in about 15 minutes. At the same time, the significant improvement in the quality of the grid calculations helps ensure supply reliability, as the impact of new interconnections on the grid can be assessed more reliably.

Download now the Syna Case Study ⬇

Case study: Elektrilevi

Accelerated processing of interconnection requests

To cope with an extremely high number of interconnection requests, Elektrilevi introduced a self-service portal for its customers to perform a pre-application research on the nearest favourable POI and get an estimation for the project’s duration and costs. At the same time, this Estonian grid operator fully automated processing of interconnection requests for microproducers of up to 15 kW.

Download now the Elektrilevi Case Study ⬇

Development and validation of exhaustive digital grid models

Case Study: FairNetz Part 2

Leveraging improved data quality to speed up interconnection processes

This case study builds upon the first part and invites us to follow up on the progress of the implementation of the Intelligent Grid Platform at FairNetz. The electricity network operator from Reutlingen now leverages the improved data quality to speed up the processing of grid interconnection requests. For instance, 50% of all requests for new interconnections are assessed positively in under 5 minutes. Additionally, FairNetz relies on the IGP as its “Single Source of Truth” for analyzing the grid participant structure, aiming to further improve the data basis for the calculation logic and create a foundation for sound grid expansion investments.

Download now the FairNetz Case Study Part 2 ⬇

envelio case study FairNetz thumbnail

Case Study: FairNetz Part 1

Development and validation of exhaustive digital grid models

With the help of the Intelligent Grid Platform, FairNetz was able to automatically detect inconsistencies and information gaps in its data source systems. This enabled the German grid operator to significantly improve the quality of grid data and create a dynamic grid model for their entire MV- and LV network. Moreover, FairNetz achieved a higher transparency of network load and was able to identify critical assets and problem grid areas.

Download now the FairNetz Case Study Part 1 ⬇

Case study: E.DIS Netz

Introducing a POI self-checker for end customers

The major German DSO E.DIS Netz GmbH accelerates the previously manual evaluation process for new interconnections by a complete process integration of the Intelligent Grid Platform. In addition, E.DIS has implemented an online portal based on the Intelligent Grid Platform. Without input from a grid planner, potential customers can obtain an initial assessment of the best possible POI for their planned projects.

Download now the E.DIS Case Study ⬇

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Our awards

envelio is winner of the BloombergNEF

envelio wins the internationally renowned BloombergNEF Award in the category “Relieving bottlenecks in the deployment of clean power”

Best of Technology Award 2023 by WirtschaftsWoche, supported by Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Capgemini

Best of Technology Award 2023 by WirtschaftsWoche, supported by Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Capgemini

Finalist for the The Spark Award 2021

Global Cleantech 100 Company d. J. 2021

List of the most innovative and promising companies worldwide - year 2021

2020 Global Cleantech 100 Company

List of the most innovative and promising companies worldwide - year 2020

Top 10 Energy Technology Solution Provider in Europe

project pitch winner

Winner of the SWB pitch competition

Free Electrons Accelerator 2019

Final selection of the 15 best energy startups

startup energy transition

Finalist for the Start Up Energy Transition Award 2019

Handelsblatt energy award

Winner in the category "Startup

future unicorn award

German candidate in the final round

DWNRW Digitale Wirtschaft

Winner in the category "Startup

Auszeichnung als Digitales Start-up des Jahres 2018 des BMWi

Award of the BMWi


Award as qualified project of KlimaExpo.NRW

Gründerwettbewerb - Digitale Innovationen

Grand prize winner in the BMWi's "Digital Innovations" start-up competition

pitchX Disrupt Energy - Push Transition

Winner of the erena pitchX Startup Competition

EIT Climate-KIC

Part of the Winter Batch of the EU EIT Climate-KIC Accelerator 2018/2019.

Top30 CleanTech Start-ups 2018

Inclusion in the circle of the Top30 Clean Startups in Europe


Support through the EXIST start-up grant

RWTH Spin-off Award

Winner of the Spin-off Award of RWTH Aachen University


Prize winner at the start2grow start-up competition

RWTH Innovation Award

Winner of the Innovation Award of RWTH Aachen University

Gewinner des Gründungswettbewerbs AC²

Winner of the Innovation Award of RWTH Aachen University


Top50 Start-up of the Year 2017


Finalist (Top6) at the Neumacher Gründerpreis competition 2017 of WirtschaftsWoche