CGMES export
The Intelligent Grid Platform (IGP) combines all data of your grids and creates a full digital grid model. Based on this model, the platform offers many possibilities to automate and streamline your grid planning and operation management processes.
To exchange grid models quickly and easily with other systems, the IGP offers various export functions. As a result, all grid data can be imported directly into other grid analysis tools for additional or more detailed calculations.
The data is exported as a “CGMES” file (Common Grid Model Exchange Specification). This format is considered to be the perfect interface format for the exchange of power grid model data throughout Europe. It is an extension of the Common Information Model (CIM) standard and other open standards such as XML and RDF and is specified by ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity). CGMES considers the specific modeling requirements for grids in Europe and in particular for the implementation of the new EU Network Codes.
For more information, please click here.
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