Energinyheter about Elektrilevi (in Swedish)
Europeisk energiomställning: Tysk-estniskt samarbete som en plan för framgångsrik digitalisering av distributionsnät
at both low and medium voltage levels
Give your customers a full overview of the available network hosting capacity in your distribution grid
The consumer interest in small-scale PV systems, heat pumps and e-chargers has been growing exponentially, and so has the workload for the distributed system operators.
Our app Online Connection Check (OCC) helps DSOs reduce the strain on daily operations because it is designed as a self-service tool for hosting capacity evaluation. Embed an interactive network capacity map directly on your website and enable your customers to do the pre-application research for a suitable grid connection point on their own.
Yes, it is THAT easy for real.
Your customer specifies the location for the planned DER installation by either entering the exact address or selecting geo coordinates directly on the interactive map.
By default, our tool includes photovoltaic, charging station, wind turbine or combined heat and power assets. Further assets that are unique to your supply area can also be added.
Lastly, your customer enters the capacity of the system they are planning to connect to your distribution network. The system recognizes automatically based on the previously defined asset type if it’s the generation or consumption capacity.
Already convinced? Then contact us for more information and a live walk-through:
Not entirely sure yet? Read on!
Your customers can perform pre-application research of the available network hosting capacity and determine if a grid connection for the selected area is possible or not completely on their own, so that you don’t need to do this for them.
…with your website and the follow-up processes. The look and feel of our HCC tool can be easily customized to become one with your brand. Plus you can connect it to your customer portal to improve your customer digital journey.
Why should hosting capacity checks be any more difficult than ordering takeout or shopping online? With HCC, you will create a superior digital experience for your customers by making it easy for them to complete a normally complex task within just a few minutes.
Energinyheter about Elektrilevi (in Swedish)
Europeisk energiomställning: Tysk-estniskt samarbete som en plan för framgångsrik digitalisering av distributionsnät
Case Study: Elektrilevi (Estonia)
Eliminating a bottleneck in the rollout of new consumers and generators – without the need for additional personnel
Case study: E.DIS (Germany)
Digital and automated network hosting capacity evaluation with Hosting Capacity Check at E.DIS
Customer: Glitre (Norway)
Providing preliminary information as quickly as possible to support a ramp-up of RES and charging points
Then send us a quick note and we’ll get in touch with you as quickly as possible.
Yes, absolutely, it can cover both. Your data are the engine behind the tool, and if you operate medium-voltage as well as low-voltage grids, then the tool will support both.