World Savings Day

Due to the World Savings Day, we have compiled a list of common CO2 saving measures for you. There are some tips that can easily be integrated into everyday life and some that require a bit more planning but pay off for you and the environment in the long run.  

For us, the most important and meaningful measure: The switch to green electricity from renewable sources. Normally, this is a time-consuming process for both connection appplicants and grid operators. For the grid connection application and commissioning, grid applicants must fill out various forms. Each grid operator has defined its own procedure, forms and requirements for this process. Working through the process is time-consuming and cumbersome for applicants. In addition, the processing of connection requests by most grid operators is characterized by complex manual work-flows and takes a lot of time. This is where our software-as-service solution – the Intelligent Grid Platform (IGP) – comes in. It offers grid operators and grid costumers a common plattform for efficient and digital energy management. You can find more information in the application area “Connection Request” 

Heat pumps for future-proof heating

Likewise, switching to heat pumps is a great way to save energy. Relying on heat pumps is a future-proof heating system that uses less fossil fuel and emits less CO2 than conventional heating systems when combined with renewable energy. According to the German Heat Pump Association (Bundesverband Wärmepumpe e.V.), a heat pump saves an average of 2620 kg of CO2 per year compared to a fossil fuel heating system using oil or gas. Over a service life of 20 years, this means a good 52 tons less CO2 is emitted. 

Electric cars for lower CO2 emissions

Switching to electric or hybrid vehicles is another great way to reduce the CO2 footprint. According to the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), an electric car in the European compact class emits 66 to 69 percent less CO2 during its period of use than a comparable new vehicle with a gasoline engine. 

Solar energy for climate-neutral electricity

Purchasing a photovoltaic system is also a good step towards climate neutrality. The exact amount of CO2 saved by a photovoltaic system depends on several factors, such as the amount of sunshine and the alternative local electricity mix. It is assumed that in Germany an average of 800 g of CO2 is emitted for the production of one kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity from coal, gas and nuclear power plants. On average, one person in Germany consumes about 1,100 kWh per year. In doing so, they produce about 880 kg of CO2 when using electricity from fossil fuels. An average 3 KW photovoltaic system, which produces 3,000 kWh of electricity per year, thus saves 2,400 kg of CO2 per year. (Source:

Investments in these areas are therefore definitely paying off in the long term. However, in order to drive the energy transition faster, we should pull together. Each of us can minimize our own CO2 footprint by making some smaller changes in our everyday lives.

We have compiled useful CO2 saving tips for you: 

  • Try to heat more consciously: A room temperature lowered by just 1 °C consumes almost six percent less heating energy. In a 70-square-meter apartment, this means an average of 160 kg less CO2 emissions and also saves around 40 euros in heating costs per year. (Source: If it does get too cold, make sure to close the windows when heating so that no energy is wasted. Nevertheless, shock ventilation ensures good air quality. 
  • Make sure to leave the lid on pans and pots when cooking. This can save up to 100 kg of CO2 annually. (Source: Use locally grown vegetables and less meat.
  • Switch to LED lamps. These are more durable and use less energy than conventional bulbs.   
  • Do not leave your devices in stand-by mode. Plug them into power strips that can be switched off. If you do this with, for example, five devices each with a 10-watt output and switch off the power strip when not in use, you save almost 220 kilograms of CO2 per year. (Source:
  • When buying electronic devices, look for the energy efficiency class A+++. Just by replacing an old refrigerator of energy efficiency class B with a device of class A+++, you can save about 160 kilograms of CO2 per year. (Source:
  • Fill the dishwasher to the top and turn it on rather than washing small amounts of dishes by hand over and over again. Even if you don’t expect it, it saves almost 80 kg of CO2 per year. (Source:
  • When buying cleaning agents, look for the “Blue Angel” seal. This identifies sustainable products.  
  • Switch from car to bike or public transportation as often as possible. Also, avoid or reduce travel by air. Using the stairs instead of the elevator also makes a difference.
  • Collect your used glass bottles and put it out for recycling. Also, use recycled paper and minimize printouts.